Rhinoplasty Video Gallery – Dr. Ashkan Ghavami

Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty

There is much more to creating a natural nasal appearance than simply taking down a hump and narrowing or raising the nasal tip. Dr. Ghavami was fortunate to have learned from many of the leading masters in rhinoplasty during his Plastic Surgery training at UTSW. Dallas is a central learning place of nose surgery for many surgeons around the world because the Annual Dallas Rhinoplasty Symposium is held there every year, for over 25 years. Dr. Ghavami has been given the honor to serve as a member of the teaching faculty for this historic conference.

Dr. Ghavami has a particular passion for this meticulous and exact operation and takes time to understand each patient’s desires and ethnic differences. He specializes in both primary and revisional (corrective or secondary) nose surgery, and “ethnic rhinoplasty” (Hispanic, African American, Middle Eastern, and Asian Noses). Revision nose surgery has become more common today as patients many times have had poorly done noses that have lost their strength, shape, beauty, and get in the way of healthy breathing. Often times, revision nose surgery becomes more of a reconstructive surgery, as the nose has been depleted of its cartilage and support. Grafts are taken from the septum, and possibly the ear or rib cartilage to re-create a natural, more balanced nose that functions properly. Collapse and breathing issues are corrected at the same time.


Learn More – Contact Our Practice

If you would like to learn more about rhinoplasty surgery in Beverly Hills, please contact Dr. Ghavami’s practice. You may also email us.