Augmentation Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills
In the past, many regarded rhinoplasty as a procedure to reduce the size of the nose, such as when shaving off a large dorsal hump, or making a bulbous tip smaller. Today, patients come from all ethnic backgrounds, ages, and have different goals for the nasal improvements they desire. For example, patients of African and Asian descent may need cartilage added to the nose to improve its shape rather than traditional “reductive rhinoplasty.” In addition, Dr. Ghavami’s philosophy for nasal reshaping centers on cartilage re-arrangement rather than the simple thinking that comes with reduction or augmentation. When it comes to certain noses, cartilage augmentation is critical to the overall result. With a flat and/or wide bridge (dorsum) of the nose, augmentation along with osteotomy (chiseling and narrowing the bones) is required. While Dr. Ghavami prefers cartilage in the form of a rib or ear graft, diced or un-diced, he will also accept a silicone implant augmentation in the right patient.
Diced cartilage fascia grafts (DCFG) are a phenomenal way to augment the nasal bridge to increase its height while narrowing the bridge in a natural way. It is derived from a patient’s own tissue – either septal, ear, or rib cartilage – and when wrapped with fascia (temple muscle sheet cover) can be placed on the bridge, molded to shape, and secured. Incision sites for the ear or rib are small and well hidden and can heal almost undetectably in most patients. The results are long lasting and very gratifying for patients.
Straight rib cartilage is another way to augment the nasal bridge and must be secured. Dr. Ghavami, a noted rhinoplasty surgeon, will consult with you and assess your goals and anatomy to determine the best course of action. The important things to note are that there are lots of options, and the results will be natural in the right hands.